I'm feeling a bit better tonight, I can almost actually speak, I'm still whispering a bit but we're getting there. The voice was tested this afternoon when my Grandad and his partner came over. They were meant to be picking up Arty and taking him to footy at 4 but they were here at ten to 3, bless them, because they were in the neighbourhood and thought they'd just come over rather than go home and wait. Now, I say partner because my Grandad is, in fact, gay. Which is just another aspect to the crazy circus that is our family. They've been together for like, 15 years, so we're all pretty used to it but it can be a bit confusing for people who I talk to. Haha. Anyway, Col was talking to me about making sure I have travel insurance for America because apparently "over there no body cares about the health of anybody. You can fall down in the main street and break your leg but people will just walk on by and say, 'oh but I thought she was just drunk.'" Haha as helpful as this advice was, it did little to ease my nerves about the trip.
I will try and keep updating this blog when I'm over there so you can hear about everything that is happening, but apparently they have only 2 computers and about 650 staff members. So that combined with the fact that the camp is completely in the wilderness and I get one afternoon to go to the town per week, it might only be a rough summary of what's been going on. I ordered a new camera charger today online so hopefully that will get here and I'll be able to post pictures of the camp! For now I will just put up some of random camp-ey scenes and hope that this is how it will turn out :)

Doesn't it make you want to go? All the nature and family love and outdoors and campfires?
ugh. Apologies for being super boring today, I am boring myself even. How sad. Goodnight!
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