Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is it wrong to sabotage someone's diet?

That is this weeks million dollar question.
So today I went to the doctors and found out I have to take malaria tablets for the entire time I am away. Every day. Right now I am super pumped about the fact that I will be arriving at Kuala Lumpur airport with 100 little white pills in tow. Sweet.

A little disappointed with myself for not having seen season 3 of Gossip Girl yet. I went to hire it today but it was 12 bucks for 3 days which is just not doable right now. Ugh, budgets. 

Speaking of ugh, good one Stephanie Rice for posting "sucked in faggots" on her twitter account. Seriously? The fact that she is someone who is semi famous just makes it even worse. Way to go, hero.

I finished making most of the little notecards for my project, if you haven't read about it yet you can do that here. I plan on handing them out soon, but I don't want to do it all in Ballina, and I want to actually hand them to the right people. So I will keep you posted, and keep putting updates on the project blog. The best thing about the project at the moment is that I get to use my typewriter which is amazing fun. I am loving it. This morning I sat out on the lawn and typed away in the sun, it was magical.

Another little project I'm working on is making some necklaces. I bought a whole lot of little glass jars from the craft shop and I'm making little potions to put in them. At the moment I have a list of about 5 including Felix Felicis, Polyjuice Potion, Instant Darkness Powder and Amortentia. I think they're really cute and I can't  wait to get them done, I'll post a picture when I finish it :) And yes, I got the idea from that photo I put up a few posts ago.

This is a photo I took of Louie on the weekend. It is one of my favourites of him because it's his real smile. I printed it out to frame for Mum today.

Took my SD cards into the camera shop to see if they could get my old deleted photos off them. When I picked them up it had cost me $40. Got home all excited and ready to see all my old pics but I load them up and it's about 100 photos that I already have. Fuuuuu- God I love spending money on sweet nothings.

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