Louie getting a massage on our road trip. We borrowed Mum's car for the weekend and road tripped it up to the Gold Coast. We had an esky full of food and a whole lot of fun. I will have to upload the video we got taken of us on the slingshot, it's absolute gold!

Yeah he actually ended up buying them...
The view from our home away from home in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I spoke to Claire on the phone just before and I was overwhelmed by how much I miss her. For 2 and a half months we were pretty much always within a meter of each other and now it feels like I am missing something all the time. Missing my other half :(
This was the strange little dog that lived at the guesthouse while we were there. It always lay spread eagled on the ground in the middle of where everyone was walking. So funny!
Another hilariously classic kodak moment from the road trip. Nothing says 'tourist' like some big fake sand boobs...
The giant prawn in Ballina. You can't see it here, but some absolute wanker tried to draw a giant penis on the side of it. The funny thing is that it looks more like an upside down lollipop than a dick, which is a little embarrassing for whoever drew it.
One of the first days I was back in Australia I went down to the beach near my place and because of all the flooding, the ocean was covered in foam! It was freaking insane. All the foam was moving and blowing all over the place, it was one of the weirdest things ever. I think I heard someone say that it happens because all the fertilisers wash into the ocean from the river, and get churned up like a huge bubble bath. :S
Is this not one of the most adorable things you have ever seen? This little avocado stall is just on the side of the road near my Mum's place, but up in the hills a bit. They have a little honesty box and you can just serve yourself. Restoring my faith in humanity :)
My grandad. What a joker. He came up with this crazy get up because he didn't want to get his hearing aid wet in the rain. God we have some wild times....
Welcome to first year Med. Yep, we made penises out of play dough...
A pretty awesome debate unfolding on the back of one of the toilet doors in Byron.
Not sure if this is a joke or just some hilariously unfortunate sign placement. I had a chuckle all the same.
Arty repping some seriously burnt toast. Pretty sure that is not healthy.
Oh oh! I FINALLY am getting my camera replaced. Hallelujah! The best part is that because they took so long to send it, I will be unwrapping a 500D instead of a 1000D this time next week for no extra cost. Sweet ;) I can't wait to get snapping and show you everything that has been happening around here. Because although phone photos are fun, the quality is a little shit. Hope you all have a great weekend. I went out last night and I'm still recovering. Ugh. But I will tell you about it some other time. Photos on my facebook if you're interested. :)
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