Monday, April 25, 2011
Wow, I am an idiot.
So I have had this dress for almost 2 years, and this morning I came to the realisation that I have been wearing it backwards the ENTIRE time. Haha oh my god. Wow I continue to amaze myself with every passing day.
I am a bit of a scatterbrain today, I think it is because I have had a bazillion coffees and not that much to eat. So much for 'looking after myself' this week. Sorry Mum!
The long weekend was good, it's always a bit lonely staying at college but we have fun :)
Oh I forgot to tell you, in my ridiculous online shopping spree the other week I bought this dress too...
Naturally, it looks much better on her than it ever will on me, but I am so freaking excited to get all this stuff in the mail. That's pretty much the only reason I get it online. Haha.
Got a few plans this week, on Friday night we are having a dress up party for the royal wedding, and then Sunday is Groovin the moo. I will have to find something to wear for them because I have NOTHING. Zero. No clothes left which I remotely like. But I am determined to wear my boots. Every freaking festival I go to, my feet get the absolute shite stomped out of them and I have to do that mental thing where you try and block out all feeling from the knees down so that you can enjoy the show. Well, my friends, this year it will be me doing the stomping so watch the ufck out.
On Saturday everyone from college is going "goon tubing" where they float down the river in blow up pools and get drunk. Apparently it's a blast, but somehow I don't think it will compare to Vang Vieng. I think I might have to give it a miss because a) I don't like goon, b) I don't want to drown, and c) I'm just not feeling it. Who knows, maybe I will end up going but as of right now my Saturday plans consist of a trip to cartridge world and an afternoon nap. Oh grandma time.
Also I watched skins again last night. Far out Cassie is so freaking adorable.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
This video
makes me want to find my soul mate, and fall asleep side by side on a picnic rug under the stars.
The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.
The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sometimes life makes me laugh.
Yesterday, I did a body balance class. In the bit at the end where you lie down and meditate quietly, I burst into tears. Way to go, emotions.
Today, I stripped my bed and put my sheets out so the cleaners would leave me some new ones. They didn't.
We had this online quiz today. Could have smashed it if I had looked at my books. I just guessed the answer instead. Got it wrong.
Ate so, so much food today I nearly made myself sick. It wasn't even good food.
Got woken up at 3am this morning because there was a cockroach in my bin. Spent a groggy 10 minutes chasing it with a shoe before it went in a crack in my wall. The crack is about 2 feet from my pillow.
Who am I these days? Serisously. If this is the worst that will happen to me in a day I must be the luckiest person on Earth. I really have to get things back in perspective. This last week I have felt detached from my life. Like I am sitting across the room, watching myself go about my daily actions. It's weird. I get halfway through conversations and thin "ok, here is where I laugh and respond." So I do. Apologies if I come across as uninterested. I think I need more sleep, or more coffee.
I'm kind of feeling like I was this time last year, almost to the day, when I wrote this. How strange. Turns out I had a blood virus back then. Who knows, maybe it's back. I think it's because I'm not looking after myself. Clearly. I'm up writing stupid, vain blog posts instead of sleeping. But I'm not running in the morning so I can sleep for an extra hour.
Here's what I ordered online yesterday. Super excited! Agh god and there was free shipping dskbldmjsdf!!
NB: Looks like a skirt in the picture, is actually a pair of shorts. ^^^ Planning on wearing shorts+shoes indefinitely. Blue and orange is possibly my all time favourite combination. Aside from beautiful red and crisp white, maybe with some navy thrown in.
I'm going to get some sleep now, hope everyone has had an amazing weekend, and that your week is just as pleasant. If you happen to speak to me this weekend and I burst into tears halfway through the conversation, it's not you, it's me. Really. Haha. ;)
Today, I stripped my bed and put my sheets out so the cleaners would leave me some new ones. They didn't.
We had this online quiz today. Could have smashed it if I had looked at my books. I just guessed the answer instead. Got it wrong.
Ate so, so much food today I nearly made myself sick. It wasn't even good food.
Got woken up at 3am this morning because there was a cockroach in my bin. Spent a groggy 10 minutes chasing it with a shoe before it went in a crack in my wall. The crack is about 2 feet from my pillow.
Who am I these days? Serisously. If this is the worst that will happen to me in a day I must be the luckiest person on Earth. I really have to get things back in perspective. This last week I have felt detached from my life. Like I am sitting across the room, watching myself go about my daily actions. It's weird. I get halfway through conversations and thin "ok, here is where I laugh and respond." So I do. Apologies if I come across as uninterested. I think I need more sleep, or more coffee.
I'm kind of feeling like I was this time last year, almost to the day, when I wrote this. How strange. Turns out I had a blood virus back then. Who knows, maybe it's back. I think it's because I'm not looking after myself. Clearly. I'm up writing stupid, vain blog posts instead of sleeping. But I'm not running in the morning so I can sleep for an extra hour.
Here's what I ordered online yesterday. Super excited! Agh god and there was free shipping dskbldmjsdf!!
NB: Looks like a skirt in the picture, is actually a pair of shorts. ^^^ Planning on wearing shorts+shoes indefinitely. Blue and orange is possibly my all time favourite combination. Aside from beautiful red and crisp white, maybe with some navy thrown in.
I'm going to get some sleep now, hope everyone has had an amazing weekend, and that your week is just as pleasant. If you happen to speak to me this weekend and I burst into tears halfway through the conversation, it's not you, it's me. Really. Haha. ;)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
oh my amazing.
So I absolutely love old photos of old things, and some of my faves are those of my parents before they had kids. They always look so carefree and happy...haha. On my wall right now I have one of my Mum with bleached blonde hair, skiing down a mountain in a bright red coat. There's one of my Dad just under it, he has so much hair and a big moustache, and he is crouched down on the edge of a dam, proudly holding up a tiny fish that he must have just reeled in. I love them! So anyway I found this amazing chick, Irena Werning, who shares my passion but has had the initiative to get off her butt and do something creative with all this love. She re creates some of the coolest pictures that people have kept throughout the years, and with an ongoing project has produced some absolutely incredible shots! Here are a couple of my favourites...
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
This is the littlest sister of one of the girls I went to primary school with. Just listen, she is so incredibly sweet.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
You need this right now.
NB: No, of course it's not the same. But it's just so much fun and an amazing way to procrastinate!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Everyone Forgot My Birthday
Just joking-my birthday is actually August 23, but in a completely random wave of hilarity the exact opposite situation arose a few weeks ago when I received this little gem in the mail...
I laughed so hard when I opened the envelope (which was clearly labelled "Char") and was confronted with this. I love how Mum wrote inside "Dear Char, Yes this is the only card available at the Lismore post office...tragic huh?" But on further inspection, WHO IN GOD'S NAME ALLOWED THIS TO BE SOLD AS A BIRTHDAY CARD? Look at the kid on the front, possible the most awkward representation of an 8 year old that ever existed. And I love how they put him in again in the 8 when they ran out of random bugs and what looks like a deflated elephant. Not to mention the flies buzzing around him with little gold stink lines that flash when you move the card. Haha. Classic. Maybe I'll drop out of med and begin designing children's cards, clearly they are in need of some serious help...
Just joking-my birthday is actually August 23, but in a completely random wave of hilarity the exact opposite situation arose a few weeks ago when I received this little gem in the mail...
Friday, April 1, 2011
So I finally got around to connecting my phone up to the computer, thanks to lovely Mehrad who lives next door, and found that I had an assortment of pictures of weird stuff that has caught my eye in the past 6 months. So, rather than let them go to waste, I thought I'd pop them on here and share a few memories. Enjoy!
Louie getting a massage on our road trip. We borrowed Mum's car for the weekend and road tripped it up to the Gold Coast. We had an esky full of food and a whole lot of fun. I will have to upload the video we got taken of us on the slingshot, it's absolute gold!

Yeah he actually ended up buying them...
The view from our home away from home in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I spoke to Claire on the phone just before and I was overwhelmed by how much I miss her. For 2 and a half months we were pretty much always within a meter of each other and now it feels like I am missing something all the time. Missing my other half :(
This was the strange little dog that lived at the guesthouse while we were there. It always lay spread eagled on the ground in the middle of where everyone was walking. So funny!
Another hilariously classic kodak moment from the road trip. Nothing says 'tourist' like some big fake sand boobs...
The giant prawn in Ballina. You can't see it here, but some absolute wanker tried to draw a giant penis on the side of it. The funny thing is that it looks more like an upside down lollipop than a dick, which is a little embarrassing for whoever drew it.
One of the first days I was back in Australia I went down to the beach near my place and because of all the flooding, the ocean was covered in foam! It was freaking insane. All the foam was moving and blowing all over the place, it was one of the weirdest things ever. I think I heard someone say that it happens because all the fertilisers wash into the ocean from the river, and get churned up like a huge bubble bath. :S
Is this not one of the most adorable things you have ever seen? This little avocado stall is just on the side of the road near my Mum's place, but up in the hills a bit. They have a little honesty box and you can just serve yourself. Restoring my faith in humanity :)
My grandad. What a joker. He came up with this crazy get up because he didn't want to get his hearing aid wet in the rain. God we have some wild times....
Welcome to first year Med. Yep, we made penises out of play dough...
A pretty awesome debate unfolding on the back of one of the toilet doors in Byron.
Not sure if this is a joke or just some hilariously unfortunate sign placement. I had a chuckle all the same.
Arty repping some seriously burnt toast. Pretty sure that is not healthy.
Oh oh! I FINALLY am getting my camera replaced. Hallelujah! The best part is that because they took so long to send it, I will be unwrapping a 500D instead of a 1000D this time next week for no extra cost. Sweet ;) I can't wait to get snapping and show you everything that has been happening around here. Because although phone photos are fun, the quality is a little shit. Hope you all have a great weekend. I went out last night and I'm still recovering. Ugh. But I will tell you about it some other time. Photos on my facebook if you're interested. :)
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