Monday, October 4, 2010

Tea Party.

I desperately want to throw an afternoon tea party. Oh it is consuming me. Every time I think about anything else all of a sudden my thoughts morph into something tea party related. I want cupcakes and those little triangle ham and pickle sandwiches. I want to wear my white gloves and sip on english breakfast from fine china. I want a darling rose centerpiece, and a sea of beautiful guests. I want to make this happen. The thing is, people don't have the time to come to a tea party. They all have work or school or something more important to attend to. I really want to make this work. If everyone brought a plate of something- like they used to do back in the good days- we could have the most magical amazing garden party and everything would be great. Just look at it!

Oh I really want this to happen. Let's say, if i invited you to an afternoon tea party, would you come? Would you bring something to share and dress up sweetly? It would make my day! 

1 comment:

  1. I would come and I'd bring my super awesome quadruple choc chip cookies which use two packets of choc chips. And I would even wear a dress
