Claire sitting with our beautiful spread. We found a little spot on the edge of a cliff, looking out over the ocean. We had a blanket, lots of munchies and even a few cups of tea in a sneaky thermos!
We managed to fit so much into this basket, it weighed about a hundred kilos. We looked hilarious trying to lug it up the hill. So not graceful at all!
The view. How magical is it? The water was actually sparkling.
An hour before we left, we realised that it wouldn't be a real picnic without some scones! These are Claire's home made raisin scones, and they were incredible.
We made this amazing salad, with roast pumpkin, grated carrot, roast walnuts, chickpeas and baby spinach. Ate so much of it, it was gone in about 2 minutes!
My Grandma used to pride herself on the cumquat jam she made-she even had a little cumquat tree in a pot at the front gate of their Brighton home. Mum and I both love it, and so whenever we see any we just have to buy it- especially if it's been made by a sweet little old lady. Somehow our combined efforts mean we have accumulated about 7 jars in the last 6 months, and it's getting ridiculous.
How adorable is my tea set? I managed to get four cups and saucers, four small plates, four large plates and four bowls all with the same rose pattern and gold trim. The best part? I got the whole set for $5 at the salvos! And the lovely lady in there said she might have a teapot that would go nicely that she would bring in for me. Amazing!

Claire's French book, I have no idea what it says, but it looks pretty!
The beginning of my little art book. I'll explain more when I have some art to show ;)
It was such a perfect afternoon, tea, snacks, sunshine and salty air. It's raining today, so all I have are these photos to remind me that I live in a summer holiday destination.
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