Oh, Wow. Leopard print I love you.
I know that we have had our ups and downs, like that time that that bouncer in Byron joked that I wasn't allowed in the pub with you around my neck (bad, bad joke) and the time that I found out that you were an awesome jewelry box that I was getting for my 11th birthday. The day before my birthday. Mum wasn't too happy. But I was :)I don't know what it is about you. Maybe it's my way of being a bit of a badass and a rebel, or maybe I secretly hope it will make me run faster. I just seem to like you and everything that you're on, it's a lifelong obsession. Who knows how long it will go for. Maybe when I'm an old granny you will be on my walking stick, my false teeth, my slippers.
But until we reach that pinnacle, we have many glorious moments to be shared.
I'm glad that you are able to be made from things other than actual leopards.
Because they are adorable, and I would prefer you on them any day.
I'm sad that people used to kill little leopards for their skin, and that they still do. Although as I write this I am realising that the most likely did not kill the baby ones because the big ones would have a greater surface area of leopard print. This doesn't make me hate it any less.It's sad the way that humans do that, isn't it? That they ruin really beautiful things to suit themselves. Literally. Oops that was a horrible pun. But I won't backspace. Just keep writing, just keep writing. Oh wow I'm sounding delirious, Delores...
Now, when I spoke about humans just now I speak about them like I am not one of them. But sadly I am. I am not exempt from what they do, what we do. I eat meat. I own things that are leather. I do my best to try and not buy things that harm animals, but I find that it really hard sometimes. It can almost be as intense as devoting your life to a religion, to be able to be a vegan. Because these days you can't only be a vegetarian. You can't be a vegetarian on moral grounds. It is simply impossible and so horrifically contradictory that you wont eat meat but your shoes are leather, that you don't eat chicken but you'll have an omelette.
It's so, so intense. I am starting to find now that people are treating their veganism like religion, like a seriously full-on, in-your-face religion. Like, "I am such a better person than you because my dinner does not make me a murderer, nor do my shoes." Technically yes, you have me there, but I cannot deal with people who force their beliefs on me, or anybody else. Whether it be religious views, sexual orientation, dietary choices or political persuasion, I really appreciate that people have their own ideals and opinions but once the thing you are doing to be a 'good' person is turning you into a nasty, judgmental, intolerant human being- you have gone too far.
P.S. Who are you? People who read my blog? I see the numbers change but I have no idea who you are. I would like to know :) I like chatting, so please, even if it's anonymous or something. :)
i love your blog its so brilliant, and you post all the things that i would think and agree with so its lovely to read, love char x