Last night just before I went to bed, I checked to see how many shots I had left on my camera so that I might be able to finish off the film today and get it done. Now, because I had only taken about 15 on my 24 exp film, you might understand my surprise when I looked and it said that the entire roll had been shot. This surprise turned to an overwhelming feeling of doom as I realised that I had left my camera in the car after Mum and Arty had dropped me off at the hospital. The conversation that followed succeeded in turning that feeling of doom into some seriously white hot anger...
Me: "Alex, did you or did you not take any photos with this camera?"
*holds up camera*
Arty: "Ummm, I didn't think it was taking. I played with the windy thing in the car"
Me: "Did you wind the right hand side?"
Arty; "Uh huh. Yep. But it just kept winding so..."
Me: "Did you press the little button on top?"
Arty: "Oh. Yeah. But only like 4 times."
Me: "Wow, so there goes my expensive roll of black and white film that I was trying to save."
Arty: "Oops"
I will get it developed today, hopefully some on the shots that I had already taken will be ok, but you never know. Seriously, how can you wind and shoot around 10 photos of your feet before you realise that it might actually be camera you're holding? ARGH. HAFSOJQE.
Then! This morning, I went to get my computer from him because he asked to use it late last night (and, like the generous, caring, amazing sister that I am, I lent it to him) and I turn it on to find that some sort of 'critical error' has occurred and completely screwed up everything. Amazing. Wow. Yay. So I tried to restart it a few times and recover/fix whatever he farked up. But as for now my desktop currently looks like this;
You know you're in trouble when you hit the big fuzzy icons and size 2 billion font. I'm trying to stay calm because I really don't want to hurt my throat yelling, but the vintage look (and the fact that none of my programs work) is really not making this any easier.
So once again. Thanks Al for making my life so exciting. You are never going on my laptop again.
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