So today I was freaking out massively before work, but my boss was fine with it. I told him that I got offered a place in America and I was going to take it, and he just shrugs and goes "you're young, go out and see the world" and went back to his coffee. Fair enough. Maybe he's not such a bitter old asshole after all. How poetic.
I have all of a sudden accumulated a bucket of inspiration to do things. I want to start making my own jam and chutney. How adorable and lovely do these look?
Today on my way home I saw a kumquat tree outside this house, and so i thought that maybe if I could get my conscience to shut up for a bit I could mission down at night and steal some. Maybe. Haha.
Im in the middle of making some origami cranes to hang from my roof. They will be cute :) I am also in the market for some new curtains. I went to the fabric shop today, but the stuff they had was all $20 a meter, and I really can't afford to pay 40 bucks for curtains. Although they were adorable.
I saw something the other day that I really wanted. It was a set of magnets with words on them that you can arrange on your fridge/random metal surface to make a story or poetry. I would have bought them when i saw them, but once again, $40 is really way to much for someone so cheap. But in my defense, that is equal to a day in Vietnam at the end of the year.
I also bought some paints. Because I couldn't find and/or afford origami paper. So I will try and fake being creative for a bit and see what happens. Wish me luck.
perhaps you could ask to borrow the kumquats then repay the owners in jam.