Friday, June 17, 2011

Tomorrow! Melbourne!

Eeeek! I am so freaking excited that tomorrow I will finally be back in Melbourne, reunited with friends and family I haven't seen in over a year. Can you believe that on this very day, one year ago, I was spending my first night in New York City. I was scared and excited, about to begin months and months of crazy adventures. Best decision I ever made. I feel like I am going home, but going on a new adventure at the same time. I can't wait! I am especially pumped to actually have a reason to wear this sweet new hat that I told you about the other day....

Its actually grey so the black and white photo is still fairly accurate, but spares you my horribly un-Townsvillian face paleness. Haha. 

 I will keep you updated on what I'm up to, I've got to do a placement for uni for a few days, and then I am going to try to pack as much stuff as I can into the week after. I want to go to T2, camberwell market, youkis sushi, the library, soul mamma, lygon st, ackland st, fitzroy and a few other places that I haven't been to before, but that I have heard are pretty nice. Anyway, it's just me and louie here tonight so I'm going to go watch big cat diary with my little bro :) Seeya!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Old brand new

Yes it is the name of one of my favourite blogs, but it is also kind of today's theme. My days don't usually have themes, just so you know, but its kind of awesome that it did today. So first of all I met up with a friend this morning that I haven't seen in years, literally. It was really lovely, we just hung out at my favourite little place in Byron catching up on what we've missed and what everyone else has been up to. It was so weird to think about so many people today that I haven't heard of or from since I stepped off Phillip Island. It's strange how you can spend so much time away from people, completely out of contact, but then when you finally see them it's like you just said goodbye the day before. Speaking of which, I am super excited for my trip down to Vic next week. I don't really have any plans just yet, but I have a few things that I want to do and people to see, so I really hope I can fit it all in!
I also made this today...

I have had this old piece of lace hanging around my room for like, 6 months, and really needed to do something with it. It's still a bit of a work in progress, but I will let you know how it goes. 

Oh and this morning, I went to get a coffee in a place that I haven't been before and there was the prettiest girl working there. You know when you just see someone who looks so different from anyone you have ever seen before, and they are just so incredibly beautiful that you love them and hate them at exactly the same time? Maybe that's just me, but she was adorable!
And oh god I nearly forgot, I bought the most freaking amazing hat ever yesterday. Oh you are going to die when you see it. It's a fur hat, made of a grey-ish white colour fur, and its kind of box shaped. It's AMAZING. I will try and get a photo in it tomorrow to show you. Which is now completely possible because I FINALLY HAVE A CAMERA! Yeah I don't even know how to hold it. Its like when someone asks you to hold their baby and you're all awkward trying not to crush it but also not drop it. That's how I feel about the camera right now, though I have noticed that the auto focus won't work. As of right now I can't be sure if that is a problem that happened before or after Arty thought he would take it upon himself to borrow my brand new camera to take photos of the wall. Yes, the wall. Anyway, I'm going to try and sleep now because I am freaking exhausted. Yes it's only 11:15 buuuut I ran 7k in 35 mins today. Ok yeah that was just a horribly obvious segue just so I could brag about my time. Ha. Goodnight! xx 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


This video, I don't know what to think about it. But it's not good to watch if you're feeling fragile. Makes you feel kind of empty. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The night before the night after.

I have my first exam as a med student tomorrow, and I have no idea what to expect. Most of the people I have talked to about it have been in tears at least once in the past week. I think I just don't care as much as I should, maybe it's because I know that my entire career isn't riding on the hope that I get top of the class. All you have to do is pass, how hard can it be? I guess we'll find out. Maybe I'll be eating my words next month when the results come out and I have failed miserably. But hopefully not. Haha. I found this quote about medicine as I was procrastinating tonight, and it kind of makes me a little sad, but definitely brings back to earth any lofty thoughts I might have had about being a doctor.

Medicine always claims the experience is the test of its operations. Plato therefore was right in saying that to become a true doctor, a man must have experienced all the illnesses he hopes to cure and all the accidents and circumstances he is to diagnose... Such a man I would trust. For the rest guide us like the person who paints seas, rocks and harbours while sitting at his table and sails his model of a ship in perfect safety. Throw him into the real thing, and he does not know where to begin.

- Montaigne, Essays 3.13

I guess getting dengue fever in Thailand earlier this year will give me a leg-up in the world of tropical diseases. Maybe everything does happen for a reason, haha. Oh wow, look at how philosophical I am getting in my tired stupor. I haven't done any excercise in 2 days and I am going crazy. Think I might get up and run in the morning. The sunrises here are beautiful, it's amazing. You wouldn't think it was winter yet. This morning the sky was purple and pink, and the sun looked like a giant egg yolk. I am liking this place more and more. But I am so unbelievably excited to be heading home in just 7 days. I haven't seen my Mum in 5 months, and my Dad in over a year. Oh hurry up weekend. I even bought a new coat to help me brave the Melbourne weather. I know, more online shopping- it will be the death of my funds. But it was orange so I had to....