Monday, June 14, 2010


Because sometimes I can be materialistic and vain. Especially when I have spent all day listening to Material Girl and browsing the interwebston.
Bear Bag. Because my camp is on the border with Canada and I might actually end up like this.

Thing that I do not want. iPad. What is the point anyway? It is pretty much impossible to hold and use at the same time, you leave dirty fingerprints all over the screen, typing is an absolute shermozzle and you need to buy a stand for it to go on a desk. How is it any good? Why would you buy it? Does anybody know?

Quote of the week.

Louis: If you could kiss any celebrity in the world, who would it be?
Char: Ummm...
Louis: Jennifer Aniston? Effy? Snoop dog?
Arty: I'd fuckin' hook up with snoop dog.
Louis: Would you hook up with Biggie?
Arty: fuck! What sort of question is that? Of course I'd hook up with biggie.
Louis: What? Even though he's dead...

Sunday, June 13, 2010


The day has finally arrived. Remember all those weeks ago I bought a pair of white tights? And I said that if I ever wore them I would put up a picture? I don't know if you will, but today I WORE THEM! For the first time ever. White is hard, because unlike slimming black, it makes you look fatter. Why then, I hear you ask, would you buy a pair of white tights? Answer; I don't know. I was at the stall and there were so many colours and I was completely overwhelmed and freaked out couldn't decide so I picked plain-as white. Since then, I have tried to wear them out but it never looks right. I still don't think it looked right today but hey, I gave it a shot. And that is pretty much the colour of my legs at this time of year anyway :P

Today, Louie is really sick, so currently I am holed up in my bedroom trying to avoid touching the same air that he has. If I am sick for my flight I will actually shoot someone. Actually that's probably not the best thing to be thinking on a flight to America. I swear that they almost have technology to scan your brain and see if you are thinking about bombs or something. Speaking of technology, I made the best discovery today. Lifeblogging goggles. I know, it actually is what you think it is. These are glasses that you put on and it literally films what you see. And it can recognise signs and written english and all that. I have the link to read about it here. Look at the comments that the people posted. What is sad about them is that it is probably actually the truth. Haha. I was thinking about these glasses for ages, and realised that there are more negatives than positives. Yeah, it would be sweet to be able to record that moment when you see something really funny but no one else does. And it would completely eliminate the need for a video camera...unless you want to be in the shot. It would be interesting to watch the playback from the night before when you got wasted and ended up making out with this total babe and danced the night away. Until you watch it and realise that your 'babe' was 200kgs and had a mullet and a southern cross tattoo... Oh the enjoyment. And what's with the title? "Lifeblogging" glasses? Would you actually film your entire day and post it for someone to watch? So boring. Haha.

Only 3 sleeps until I fly out. One of the girls had her flight delayed by 8 hours so I really hope that doesn't happen to me. I popped into work today to say goodbye, and one of the ladies that comes in all the time had left me 30 American dollars to use while I'm over there. How adorable is that! She is a darling. Mum was surprised that I could name about 50 people that come into work, and how many people I say hello to in the street. I guess that all just comes with the territory.
Also, I came across this today. Facebook relationship statuses should definitely include some of these. 

And finally, some Alexa to add a little beauty to your day. I swear to god if I somehow come across her in New York I will actually fall over. 

Hahaha I am currently listening to an old Madonna cd, and Vogue just came on. Suddenly I am having these vivid flashbacks to dancing in Charlton's, with Jess and Amanda karaoke-ing their hearts out. Oh man, if only I had had some life blogging glasses on me that night. :)


Today was inexplicably unproductive. I can't even begin to explain. I woke up with all these plans and enthusiasm but today I have succeeded in doing absolutely nothing. I have spent a gazillion hours stalking the blogs of pretty swedish girls, had a minor meltdown (which means Mum is coming into my room to check on me every 5 minutes) and packed a few things for Thursday. Not that you can call throwing 5 shirts and a sleeping bag into a suitcase "packing." So, as promised, here are a couple of photos of cool things that I have accumulated in the few weeks that my camera has been hibernating.

My sweet new typey :D It is so loud haha. The ribbon is a bit dry, and you have to fiddle with it a bit to get it right, but I like it. You can't really see here but it is a dark green colour. And it is freaking heavy!

The sweet butterfly poster that I got in Bangalow. My new favourite place ever. How beautiful are they?

She's totes a babe. Hahaha. I found her in the westpac oppy for 50c. It's a little bit of nostalgia for you. I also bought a small bag labelled 'Barbie Clothes' which I was pretty chuffed about. That was until I opened it and realised that it had 3 scrunchies, some teddy bear shorts and an old, dirty sock. Sweet. haha.

Some of the books I bought at Vinnies last week. I got all these, as well as 4 'Little Golden Books' for 2 bucks! Yeah, I know, amazing. 

This dress has the most awesome pattern, it doesn't ever look as good on the computer though. I saw it at Vinnies in Ballina and bought it even though it's a size 20 or something. It is an original, and so over the last week I have been trying to think of ways to make it fit me without cutting it. Haha. It has been interesting.

And so, here is me looking super scary-as per usual, in my attempted dress fitting. I have been looking for an excuse to show off one of my cranes (I finally learnt how to do it) so here it is. If you have read my last posts, you'll know that I had planned to hang them all from my roof, just above my bead. So far Louie hasn't left his fishing stuff unattended too often so I haven't been able to sneak some fishing line. There is only one little one up at the moment, but more will be joining him soon! And yeah, I don't know what's up with my hair either :S

Cutest ever mini tea set. How adorable! I think i am going to turn one of the cups into a ring. Show you if I do. :)

The rain was so crazy this afternoon. it just turned into a storm all of a sudden which suited me because I was in the middle of a massive tantrum. They just seem to go well together. Feelings and weather. These are the bricks just out the back door. About 2 inches underwater (Y) I like the rain though. Even if it does make my hair go frizzy :)

Check out that intense blogging expression. This is how I spend my Saturday nights. Woohoo!

Oh well. I might go get some sleep. Sorry to have bored the pants off you so that now you are probably ready for bed too, not in that way :| Haha. Night possums. Guess what? Only 4 sleeps until I jet off into the unknown. I'm getting scared :S Haha all you suckers at uni. Glad I took a Gap year :P Seeya!

P.S Thoughtful raptor to help you sleep....
Woah! I know. Don't even get me started on the possibilities. :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Conversational Brilliance.

Charlotte: If you had to kill and prepare your meat, would you still eat it?
Arty: Fuck no. I'd be a vegetarian. Unless I did it by accident, or didn't have to see it.
Charlotte: Fair enough. What if you had to milk the cow to make the cheese? Would you still eat as much cheese?
Arty: I dunno, maybe. I wouldn't kill the cow though...
Charlotte: You dont have to kill a cow to make cheese.
Mum: (laughing histerically from the bathroom):  Yeah Al, the cheese gland is just behind the bbq chops. The cows can't survive without it. "Oh look out, this cow needs a cheese transplant!"
*ten minutes later*
TV: Tonight on Masterchef, we have a cheese expert here as a guest judge...
Mum: Fuck! Arty! When the hell did you get time to go onto Masterchef???

Oh I love my family. Mum: get out more. Haha.

drink me.

So today was an interesting day, my last day of work...EVER. Haha just kidding, it was the last one until I go (on thursday! Yikes!) and it started pretty well.  Just your average morning, I have started reading 'Tomorrow when the war began" again because I saw that it was coming out to be a movie and though I'd better jog that particular department of the old memory bank.

Oh. That's why she quit neighbours. 

 I also finished watching this cool black and white film about anti prostitution laws in post-war Japan, subtitled of course. It's one I wanted to get when Zac was here but he wasn't keen so we ended up with "The hills have eyes." Freaking awesome :| loved it. But I guess my taste in movies is a bit random at times.

Rode my bike to work,and remembered halfway down this MASSIVE HILL that the breaks don't work At all. So I successfully burnt away half the sole of my shoes trying to do the old foot stop like we all did back in the day when we got our first bike without backpedal breaks and completely flipped out. Haha. i remember that day so clearly. Me, flying off the curb and across the road, Mum screaming as a car missed me by about half a meter, up on the curb on the other side-crying, naturally- and swearing never to ride a mountain bike ever again. Ahh good times, good times. Anyway, before work I FINALLY GOT A CAMERA CHARGER!! adsjkhlf. So in my next post I am going to flood you with pictures of cool things that I have not been able to photograph that really excite me and you absolutely NEED to see. Probably....haha. Also, totally found out that they sell 120mm film in Byron. So I will stock up asap.

On the way home I stopped at the lolly shop. Oh my god I know, don't even start. My healthy eating plan went out the window and up into the air Mary Poppins style about 5 minutes in, and I think I saw it get hit by a plane in the distance and land in an erupting volcano occupied with sharks with laser beams attached to their heads...or something like that. Anyway, this shop is amazing like, all Willy Wonker and business (old version) with all the containers on the wall that you can fill up a bag with. As much as you want. Oh wow shit. So after about 20million kgs of chocolate/smarties/caramel fudge/clinkers (farking LOVE those) I somehow perched myself on my bike and managed to roll home.

On the way home, these 12 year old gangsters yelled out "Dayum girl!" as I went past. Zac cleverly pointed out that this un-Australian language was probably a result of me know sporting a highly impressive "ghetto booty." Have some more chocolate, you whole lotta woman. Haha.

Oh, I almost forgot. As I was in the bank this morning (yes, making a deeeposit) these old guys were chatting away behind me, and when I finally tuned in (totally evesdropping) one of them was saying, "Yeea, me old duck turned 86 this year, she's a battla'. *Quiet bank music playing in the background* And she still smokes a fucken fucklooaad 'o dope. She's lit up all the fuckin' time I tells ya" Oh lovely bank small talk, how I do love thee.

So tonight I am in for a treat. I finished downloading "The Runaways" last night so I will have my own movie night and let you know how it all goes. Apparently Dakota and Kristen pick up. Hot. I'm just kinda hoping that it doesn't get 12 minutes in and swap to some hardcore /b/ worthy loveliness, if you know what I mean.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


This is me. No make-up, apart from semi-washed-off eyeliner, and no photoshop. I have a weird skin tone, and shitloads of freckles. But I am posting this photo because I am so sick of people (me included) feeling like they have to completely photoshop every photo they post on the internet, for fear of not matching up to everyone's expectations, and being compared with one another. 

We are all beautiful. Everyone, EVERYONE is so uniquely brilliant in the way they speak, the way they act and the way they look. Yes, the world is teeming with superficial clones and hoards of people copying everyone else, but deep down you always know that you are not exactly like someone else, and you never will be. I hope that some people who read this will follow my lead, and stop editing, stop caking on the make-up, and start realising that people can see through all that shit. And you look like an oil painting. btw. 

At this point in time, I really couldn't care less what everyone thinks of me. It doesn't matter that I am notoriously 'plain jane' and speak and act in the way that I feel I am expected to. I spent my whole school life acting as I was supposed to. Being a good role model and everything. Sometimes you just want to mess it all up. to stop being what everyone thinks you are, and start being who you actually are.
This is me. 
If you think I am ugly and up myself/stupid/angry/boring/whatever then good for you. I hope you feel better about yourself for that (Y). But hopefully this will make you think about how beautiful and amazing you actually are, and how comparing yourself to everyone else is simply damaging and completely worthless. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't good enough or interesting enough, especially not yourself. 

Any given Sunday,

Circa 2004.

We sit in her room with a list, one by one crossing off different things, trying to narrow it down to what we want to do that day. It is a ritual that we go through every time we visit each other, because both of us is so indecisive, and scared of choosing something that the other will not like. I cross out 4, she puts a line through number 2 and 7, she cheats because we always put "go for a walk" on the list even though we both know it's never going to happen. Some days we end up going for a bike ride around the town, once we sat and watched candles burn for four hours straight, simply because we couldn't tear our eyes away. Once, for christmas, I got a set of walkie talkies (no, not make up or a princess dress, I was pretty much a boy) and we spent the afternoon tuning into peoples phone calls in the front yard. We even 'invented' our own super cleaning product by mixing together everything in her Mum's laundry cupboard, in secret of course. We got so gassed out in the shed that we thought we were actually going to die, so we went and played in a tree to get as much oxygen as we could into our lungs. We had these great plans. I was going to be in the olympics, and she was going to sing the national anthem, Nikki Webster style, at the opening ceremony.

On one afternoon, there were plovers in the backyard and they had laid eggs in the middle of the grass. She is notoriously terrified of birds, so in my utter brilliance I decided that the only way for her to conquer this fear was to get out there and face them. We geared up with random cricket gloves, rollerblading kneepads and golf clubs, tying pillows to ourselves with scarves. We sat on the skateboard and opened an umbrella over our heads, wearing bike helmets and swimming goggles. As we rolled on the concrete towards the backyard, we were so terrified, but so excited at the same time. We must have looked absolutely ridiculous, but it was so much fun. I can't even remember what happened in the end, but I think her fear of birds only got worse. What can I say, I tried.

 I am so grateful for not having myspace or facebook. I am so glad that we got out and ran wild in the trees at the beach. I am so grateful to have had a friend that would agree to go through all this and still like me at the end. I miss you, and even though we don't talk hardly at all anymore, I always wonder what you're up to, what you're doing. I guess that it happens like this. But I know that, if you need me somewhere down the track, you can bet I will be right there.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


If I were to have any other career apart from mine, anything at all, I would choose to be a writer. I would write poetry so beautiful it would make you cry, I would write stories to transport you to another world, I would open up my heart and pour it into the pages of classics. The only problem is, I can't write. It's like the english language is a field of flowers, and some people have this amazing ability to skip and dance through it, not treading on a single petal, it's like they're floating. I, on the other hand, somehow manage to rip through the field, hacking my way across it in my attempts to reach the other side.

If you have read any of my previous blogs you will understand where I am coming from. I barely edit what I write, and I type exactly the way I would speak if we were to have a conversation. It isn't the most beautiful arrangement of words, but it seems to work for me. Reading this, you would not think that in year 12 English had been my best subject. It's funny, isn't it? The truth is, you really don't have to be a good writer to do well in English. I'm not. I have a good memory, so I could store about 15 different paragraphs in my head, and arrange them to make an essay that would answer any question. I just wrote what I thought, like this. My 'Whose Reality?' piece was like this, conversational. You just need to remember a few long words and you're pretty much right.

It's hard to decide in year 12 what career you want. it's like, "Here-choose a path for the rest of your life and hope to God that you get it right otherwise you're completely screwed and will probably end up on the dole or dead by the time you're 25." It's all very nerve racking. I sometimes wonder if I have made the right decision. Did I just choose med because it was the hardest thing to get into? Because it sounds impressive to say? Did I just love Grey's Anatomy so much that I tricked myself into believing that all that is how a hospital actually works? Do I just want to be mega rich and earn lots of money? Do I want to be a hero, and have my picture in the paper for something? Do I want an award? These are the questions that hound me every time I think about what I'm doing. But then I think about anything else I could be doing and it doesn't seem as good. There is nothing I would rather be doing.

I had this dream the other night. There was this little boy on a stretcher about to be taken somewhere, and he was calling out to me. He was saying "please help me, please save me. Make it stop hurting, make me better, please help me." It was so strange. I hugged him tight and he pressed his forehead against mine and i told him that i would help him, that I would save him and that everything would be alright. Then they took him away. I was so completely overwhelmed with this feeling that have rarely had before. I so completely and utterly knew exactly what I needed to do. It was like all of a sudden I had found what I had been out on Earth to do. Like every choice, every decision I had made up until this point was leading me to this exact moment, and I was finally where I was meant to be. It was the weirdest thing. I woke up after that, and the dream hasn't faded like most of them do. It is still as clear as if it had actually happened.